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Hypnotherapy for Depression

There are times in life when we all experience low mood, but depression is more than that. If you've been living with these feelings of low mood and depression for some time it causes you to lose interest in life and find yourself unable to do things you used to enjoy, and it affects the way you feel and behave in certain situations.

Mild depression may mean you experience low mood but you’re still be able to continue with the demands of daily life, but it takes a lot of effort and brings little joy. Severe depression can make you feel suicidal and unable to function normally.

Here, you can learn more about depression, and the common symptoms and how online hypnotherapy for depression can help you.

What is Depression?

Depression is when you have a low mood which lasts a long time, causing you to put life on hold and withdraw. You may feel bad about yourself much of the time and feel preoccupied with negative ideas about your life and the world in general. Depression leaves you feeling unmotivated to do all the normal things you used to enjoy or were good at, you find daily life an effort and you sleep poorly.

Depression can leave you feeling unable to cope with negative thoughts, causing you to put life on hold and withdraw. It takes away your confidence and ability to feel in control when making rational decisions, instead becoming focused on negative thoughts and forecasting the worst-case scenarios, often leaving you feeling hopeless and unable to see a way out.

There are different forms of depression, including:

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Depression triggered by seasonal changes, typically worsening in winter due to reduced sunlight, affecting mood and energy levels.
  • Dysthymia (Persistent Depressive Disorder): A chronic form of depression with milder symptoms lasting for over two years, often leading to significant impairment in daily functioning.
  • Bipolar Disorder: Characterised by extreme mood swings from depressive lows to manic highs, impacting behaviour, judgment, and overall quality of life.
  • Prenatal Depression: Depression occurring during pregnancy, influenced by hormonal changes, stress, and physical health, affecting both mother and baby.
  • Postnatal Depression (PND): Depression that develops after childbirth, driven by hormonal shifts, fatigue, and the demands of newborn care, affecting mothers and sometimes fathers which affects the parents emotional well-being and bonding with the baby.

What are the signs of depression?

There are a number of common signs and symptoms of depression. It’s important to recognise these signs of depression and if you’re experience some of these symptoms for most of the day, for over two weeks, it’s important to seek out support and advice from your Doctor. They will consider the following symptoms when they make a diagnosis:

Common signs of depression can include:

  • Depressed mood, feeling continually down, upset or tearful
  • Losing interest in life or things you usually enjoy
  • Changes to eating habits and appetite
  • Different sleeping habits (difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual)
  • Feeling agitated or lethargic
  • Loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate on things and make decisions
  • Feeling hopeless and unable to see a way out


All forms of depression can disrupt the way you live and experience daily life, the good news is, the sooner you act and seek out support, it is something you can lift gradually and overcome.

How Does Hypnotherapy Help with Depression?

Hypnotherapy can help you break free from the cycle of depression by using a combination of positive talking therapy, hypnosis, and neuroscience principles. This integrative approach helps lift depression gradually by using techniques that identify and address the root causes of your depression whilst hypnosis offers you positive suggestions that help break your negative thinking patterns and develop more optimistic and helpful ways of thinking. In doing so, you begin to see things from a different perspective and develop your ability to take small steps to move on and begin to feel more optimistic and motivated again.

During your Initial Consultation, you’ll discuss your current situation and your best hopes for the future when things are better. You’ll learn how your mind and body interact when you feel depressed and learn how to begin using your brain to work for you in a more positive way.

In subsequent Hypnotherapy sessions, solution-focused talking combined with hypnosis will help calm your physical and emotional symptoms, build resilience, and develop changes that reduce your symptoms of depression gradually. We work together at a pace that is right for you, avoiding problem talk, instead focusing on how you want things to be, rather than dwelling on negative past problems. Sessions are consolidated with hypnosis, which allows your brain to consolidate changes faster than traditional talking therapy alone, bringing about therapeutic change at a subconscious level. Guided relaxation techniques and suggestions allow your mind to become calmer, so you can focus on moving forwards in life, giving you the support to build new helpful patterns of behaviour and so feeling more positive and hopeful about the future.

What Happens During Hypnosis for Depression?

During hypnosis, you enter a deeply relaxed state while remaining fully in control. This state leads to changes in brain wave patterns, increasing suggestibility as the conscious mind quiets. This allows the subconscious mind to bypass critical and analytical functions, making it more receptive to positive suggestions.

Your subconscious mind absorbs these suggestions, which are designed to foster healthier thought patterns and break free from depressive cycles. Suggestions are often presented symbolically and metaphorically, along with positive reinforcement, to strengthen their effect. Guided visualization helps embed these suggestions deeply into your subconscious mind, leading to a deeply relaxing and uplifting experience.

You can experience hypnosis now by listening to my free guided hypnosis meditation below. Please do not listen if you are driving, operating machinery, or doing anything that requires your full attention.

Listen to Hypnosis now

What causes depression?

There is no single cause for depression, it can stem from multiple factors. Genetic predisposition plays a role, especially if there's a family history of depression. Brain chemistry imbalances and hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy or menopause, can also contribute. Stressful life events such as loss, trauma, or major transitions often trigger depression. Chronic medical conditions and substance abuse can exacerbate symptoms too. Additionally, certain personality traits, like low self-esteem, may increase vulnerability. Your lifestyle can also affect your mood, contributing factors including how much you sleep, what you eat and how much physical activity you get all has a role to play.

You are more likely to experience depression if you have had:

  • Stressful life events which trigger your depression
  • A habit of negative thinking and worrying
  • Early experiences which made you vulnerable to depression

What keeps depression going?

The cycle of depression persists because of the unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviours it encourages which are self-defeating. Some of the most important reasons why depression continues includes:

  • Negative Thinking: Constantly interpreting situations in a negative light reinforces feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.
  • Rumination and Worry: Dwelling on past mistakes or worrying excessively about the future deepens feelings of sadness and anxiety.
  • Deep-seated Beliefs: Negative beliefs about oneself and rigid rules learned from past experiences contribute to low self-esteem and reinforce depressive symptoms.
  • Behavioural Withdrawal: Avoiding activities due to lack of motivation or fear of failure reduces opportunities for positive experiences, reinforcing isolation and sadness.

Hypnotherapy can help you to break free from the negative cycle of depression, working at both the conscious and subconscious aspects of your depression, helping you take the steps to gradually lift depression and feel better.

What happens during hypnotherapy for depression? What to expect.

When you start hypnotherapy, you’ll start by discussing your specific goals, issues or concerns with your hypnotherapist. It’s a chance to explain exactly what’s happening for you right now, in a supportive and confidential way. Importantly you’ll also discuss the changes you want to achieve and your goals for the future when things are better, so the approach can be tailored for your needs.

During this initial session, you’ll learn what triggers depression and how your brain works when you feel depressed, and why you think, behave and suffer in the way you do and more importantly what can be done to help you.

Importantly, you’ll begin to learn simple strategies to lift your mood and manage your feelings in a more productive and helpful way which supports the positive changes you wish to achieve. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of how hypnotherapy works and what we’ll be doing in subsequent hypnotherapy sessions to help you achieve your goals. We don't use hypnosis in this first session, but you will receive my hypnotic relaxation audio track to listen to at home, which sets the wheels in motion for your subsequent sessions and helps you fully relax and sleep deeply.

After your initial consultation, hypnotherapy sessions combine positive talk therapy with hypnosis. Typically, you can expect to be discussing your progress and I’ll be encouraging you to express yourself positively, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on your problems. We use solution focused questioning to help you consider your future differently and refine the next steps or solutions that can help you move forwards. We often combine this with elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) depending on your needs. This all helps you build more helpful patterns of thought that support positive your desired changes and you’ll be pleased to notice as the beneficial changes occur; especially in the way you respond and think about the things which used to cause you a problem, in the past.

Once we’ve finished talking, we consolidate our work with hypnosis, for online hypnotherapy it’s best to relax in a comfortable chair with your head resting back, or if possible, lying on a comfortable bed or sofa. We use soft background music and I’ll guide you into a relaxed state, where you can simply enjoy listening and relaxing your mind and body, allowing your mind to focus on and further absorb and reflect on all the things we’ve discussed. As you relax, you enter a state of trance where your subconscious mind is more open to receive the positive suggestions being made for your benefit, without the conscious critical mind getting in the way. Hypnosis is extremely relaxing and uplifting, and you will be aware of everything around you remaining in control.

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Meet Andrew Major

Your Solution Focused Hypnotherapist HPD | DSFH

I understand how the issues of the stress and anxiety can creep up and affect your life. My own journey has had its ups and downs which became the catalyst that led me to invest in myself and train to become a professional therapist to help others transform their mental wellbeing. So, I understand you need support from someone that listens and cares.

Today, I'm an experienced professional and qualified Clinic Hypnotherapist and I'm passionate about my work. I've helped hundreds of clients like you around the world transform their life by using a powerful combination of solution focused psychotherapy with hypnosis, creating lasting and positive changes to their life so they can reach their true potential.

How Many Hypnotherapy Sessions are Required for Depression?

The number of sessions depends on the severity and duration of your symptoms. Typically, you will require around 8-12 hypnotherapy sessions to create significant long lasting changes, sometimes more.

The length of treatment also depends on other contributing factors such as stress levels and personal circumstances. Many clients notice positive changes quickly, even after the first session, as they begin to feel brighter and more optimistic.

The initial consultation is crucial for understanding your needs and setting the stage for change. We’ll discuss your experiences, how they have affected your life, and how hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals. Several sessions are required because hypnotherapy reshapes the way your mind thinks and reacts, which takes practice and repetition.

Does Hypnotherapy Really Work for Depression?

Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, and related disorders, reducing their frequency and severity. Clients often notice results after the first session because hypnotherapy helps break the cycle of negative thoughts and emotions, leading to long-term recovery. Hypnosis promotes deep relaxation, reducing overall anxiety and stress levels, and helping you regain control.

Hypnotherapy also teaches strategies for long-lasting change, focusing on brain-based therapy principles. You’ll learn what causes depression and anxiety, and how to use your brain positively to reframe negative thoughts, giving you greater control over your emotions.

In my online practice, I’ve specialized in helping clients with hypnotherapy for depression and anxiety since 2018. It’s rewarding to see and hear how the positive changes achieved have helped clients enjoy life again.


With the right support change is possible. Hypnotherapy is tailored to your needs and combines
talking therapy with hypnosis to create the long-lasting solutions and change you need. Here's how it works:


It's FREE and we use this time to see if we're a good fit, answer your questions and ensure hypnotherapy is the best approach to achieve your results.


Together we explore your needs and create a personalised treatment plan to achieve the changes you are looking for and we'll get started with individual sessions.


No more living with Anxiety and Stress, as you take control of your thoughts, you gain control over your feelings, actions and behaviours so you live life to the full.

What are the Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Depression?

There are a number of emotional and physical benefits you can gain from hypnotherapy when you have been living with depression. Having supported numerous clients navigate and overcome their struggles, the benefits of hypnotherapy are unique to each individual. However, some common positive changes often experienced include:

  • Lifted mood and more positive mindset
  • Rediscovering enjoyment of old activities and hobbies
  • Better self-care and nutritional habits
  • Improved sleeping habits
  • Increased self worth and self esteem
  • Increase your focus and concentration
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Clearer thinking and clarity
  • Become more solution focused when solving problems
  • Enjoy better social interactions
  • Build more internal strength and resilience
  • Increased feelings of tolerance and patience
  • Increased optimism about daily life

What’s the Difference Between Depression and Anxiety?

Depression involves persistent sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in daily activities, whereas anxiety involves excessive worry and fear about everyday situations. Both conditions can happen at the same time and hypnotherapy can address both by targeting the underlying thoughts and responses contributing to these issues.

How Can You Help Someone with Depression?

Supporting someone with depression requires empathy, understanding, and patience. Providing a listening ear and encouraging them to seek professional help, such as hypnotherapy, can make a significant difference in their recovery journey. To explore more about how to support someone with depression, visit my recent blog ‘Understanding Black and White Thinking in Depression’.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is hypnotherapy safe for treating depression?

Yes, hypnotherapy is generally safe when conducted by a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist. It's important to choose a reputable professional with experience of working with depression to ensure your safety and well-being throughout the sessions.

How does hypnosis differ from other treatments for depression, such as medication or cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)?

Hypnosis offers an alternative approach by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. Unlike medication, which targets symptoms, hypnosis addresses the underlying psychological factors contributing to depression. While CBT focuses on changing behaviour and thought patterns through conscious effort, hypnosis accesses deeper levels of your mind to promote positive, lasting change.

Hypnosis helps depression by using guided relaxation techniques to calm your body and mind. As you listen, you will be guided into a relaxed state of focused attention by asking you to imagine certain things. Positive suggestions are made to help you make changes subconsciously by encouraging a shift in perspective. It allows your mind to reflect on the ideas and solutions discussed during our session to understand how they can help you.

What is the hypnotherapy session duration?

Typical hypnotherapy sessions last around 50 - 60 minutes. Approximately half the session involves talk therapy, followed by relaxing hypnosis. The duration may vary based on your specific goals and therapeutic needs.

Does online hypnotherapy work for depression?

Online hypnotherapy is very effective for depression and anxiety. Many people prefer working online as it allows them to be more relaxed and comfortable in their own space. Additionally, online hypnotherapy offers flexibility, as sessions can take place wherever you are in the world via Zoom. I've successfully worked with clients globally from my UK practice.

What happens at an initial consultation?

The initial consultation is crucial for understanding your needs and setting the stage for change. Together, we'll explore what you want to achieve and how many sessions may be required. I'll explain how hypnotherapy works and briefly explore how the mind works in relation to your issues. You'll also receive a complimentary guided hypnotic relaxation audio track to listen to at home, setting the wheels in motion for subsequent sessions.

Can hypnotherapy help with other mental health conditions?

Yes, hypnotherapy can help with other mental health conditions, often caused or exacerbated by stress and anxiety, such as depression, panic disorder, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and insomnia. It can also help increase self-esteem and confidence, overcome fears and phobias, stop procrastination, and manage chronic pain.


During this call we will:

  • Talk about the problems you're experiencing
  • Explain how to overcome them
  • Tell you how hypnotherapy actually works
  • Explain the best treatments options
  • Answer all of your questions

Discover Your Emotional Health Score

Emotional health is an important part of your overall health.

This free emotional health check will assess the key areas that are essential to creating balance in your life and achieving a happier, calmer and more confident you.

Just answer 24 simple yes or no questions to receive your personalised report and your results will help you get a better understanding of where you are now and provide some useful tips and small changes in specific areas that will help you boost your emotional health and wellbeing.

It takes just 3 minutes and it’s completely free.


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