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stress Articles

Stress is a natural physiological and psychological response to challenging or threatening situations. It triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, preparing the body for a "fight or flight" response. While stress in moderation can be motivating and help us navigate difficulties, chronic or excessive stress can have detrimental effects on mental well-being. Prolonged stress can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and physical health issues. Managing stress is crucial for maintaining good mental health, as it allows individuals to build resilience and cope effectively with life's challenges.

Browse the articles below to find out more.

Can hypnotherapy help you stop procrastinating?

How does hypnotherapy help stop procrastination? What is procrastination? Have you ever found yourself asking, 'why do I procrastinate so much?' or 'why do I keep putting things off even though I have so much to do?' Procrastinating is one of those things

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Does Hypnotherapy work for Anxiety?

Anxiety can have an overwhelming emotional impact and can hold you back from enjoying everyday life. Hypnotherapy can help to resolve the worried thoughts and break the cycle.

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How to overcome your Insomnia and start sleeping

A rough night's sleep can have a huge effect on both your mental and physical functioning throughout the day. If you are continuous struggling to sleep, it can lead to burn out and cause further issues for your mental health. Read how hypnotherapy could h

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Manage Stress and Become More Resilient

Stress is a normal response to the demands of daily life. However, being under continuous and heavy pressure, we can become overwhelmed and stressed, causing feelings of being unable to cope.

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Hypnotherapy for Anxiety - The What, Why and How

Anxiety is such a common condition which effects the brain and is the subject of a lot of research. Anxiety can become very overwhelming and hard to manage. Hypnotherapy can be a way to help see the warning signs and respond to them in a healthy and posit

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Work Related Stress, And How To Reduce Your Stress

Whether you love your job or you hate it, we can all agree on one thing - work can be stressful. From the entrepreneur running the business, down to the newest employee working as part of their team, everyone experiences some form of stress as a result of

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Sleep and Weight Loss - Are They Connected?

Sleepless nights can be a major contributing factor to being overweight! Unfortunately over half of UK adults only get around 6 hours of sleep a night and can be a huge concern for many. In this blog, I explain the sleepless chain reaction and how g

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The Shocking Truth About Entrepreneurial Mental Health

When you look at a successful entrepreneur, you probably think they've got everything together? The truth is, that often isn't the case. I think it's time we were honest about how brutal building your own business can really be, and why mental health is t

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6 Ways Hypnotherapy Helps Business Owners Succeed

Running a business and working to grow and expand your enterprise can be very stressful and leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious. In this article, I explain the ways hypnotherapy can make a huge difference to not only your quality of life and work.

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Overcoming Your Fear of Success

Have your ever felt like you've somehow got to where you are in life by accident and at somepoint someone will ask you what are you doing here? This is a more common feeling than you think, known as Imposter Syndrome which is reported to effect 7 out of 1

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How To Overcome Social Anxiety

Do you get anxious or worried about social situations? Has the pandemic lead you to avoid socialising with colleagues? You may be suffering social anxiety. Although it is a common condition that most experience, left untreated can cause later life mental

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4 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Make This Festive Season Happier and Healthier

Christmas might be 'the most wonderful time of the year', but for some people it can also be the most stressful time of the year. In fact, I'm willing to bet that almost everyone has experienced some form on holiday stress, even if it was only fleeting! W

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Coping After COVID

Life has changed a lot since the pandemic began two years ago and has had a huge impact on the way we live and socialise. Read about the different ways the pandemic and lockdowns have affected our lives. Although changes are scary, it is important to kno

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4 Ways Anger Can Impact Your Life

Anger is a very common emotion that all of us experience at some point as a response to threat or situation where you feel wronged. However, anger can have a huge impact on your life if it is a reoccurring emotion to even the smallest of triggers.

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How Does Hypnotherapy Work For Anxiety?

Are you unsure how hypnotherapy works? As a qualified hypnotherapist, I can teach you useful coping mechanisms you to help overcome your struggles with anxiety

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How to stop worrying and fall asleep

Do you struggle to sleep at bedtime due to anxiety and worry suddenly taking over your brain. In this blog, we explain why the worrying starts when you get into bed and four tips to help you overcome this and sleep better.

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How to Sleep Better with Anxiety

When living with anxiety, it can be difficult to relax and get to sleep every night. In this article, I will take you through what anxiety is, the huge impact it can have on your sleep and the steps you can take to achieve better sleep.

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3 Ways Progressive Muscle Relaxation Can Help Reduce Anxiety

Learn about Progressive Muscle Relaxation and find out how it can help reduce and manage your anxiety.

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What Is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and How to Deal with It

Everybody gets worried or anxious from time to time, but what if those feelings don’t go away or they’re triggered for no certain reason? Learn what Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is, it's causes, symptoms and recovery

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Conquer Anxiety and Stress with Simple Box Breathing

There are many times in daily life when all feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. And when it happens, practicing breathing exercises is a simple relaxation technique that will help you feel calm, less stressed or anxious. And it can also help with contr

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6 Simple Ways to Calm Anxiety Naturally

If you're dealing with ongoing stress and pressure or anxiety, no doubt you've experienced the fight or flight response. It's how your body responds under stress to help you deal with the perceived threats caused by what's happening in our lives.

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How Does Hypnotherapy Help with Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks can be overwhelming and debilitating, affecting individuals both mentally and physically. If you're seeking relief from the distressing symptoms of panic attacks, hypnotherapy offers a promising solution.

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What's The Difference Between Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks?

Many people use the terms anxiety attacks and panic attacks interchangeably, and that's understandable, because they do have a lot of overlapping symptoms. But it's important to understand the difference because the approach to treatment and recovery for

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The Rise of Online Therapy: A Powerful Solution for Modern Mental Health

As our lives become increasingly connected through technology, the accessibility and convenience of seeking mental health assistance online have grown exponentially. And with all the challenges and uncertainties of the modern world, more and more people

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2024's Most Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnotherapy

In this blog we explore the most frequently asked questions about hypnotherapy of 2024, our goal is to offer straightforward and easily comprehensible responses, guiding you through the ins and outs of hypnotherapy.

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5 Habits That Make Your Anxiety Worse (And what to do about it)

Stress and anxiety are very real emotions for all of us and when we feel anxious about something the most natural thing to do is to try and avoid it, because when we avoid the things we fear, we get some relief and feel calmer.

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